Vortex Installation Design at Orgatec

Feltouch: The Vortex Installation


Concept Development, Installation Design, Video Mapping





THE VORTEX is an audio-visual journey that begins with the subtle interaction of drops of water meeting the Ripple. That first touch feels timeless, revealing hidden depths. The lines become a storyteller, each ripple carrying mysteries from below, rising towards the light and merging with the cosmos. This unfolding is an interactive experience, where every ripple and vibration opens a portal to the vastness of the universe.

THE VORTEX breathes with particles as light moves across Ripple, caressing the water’s plane. The lights don’t just illuminate—they dance in harmony with the water, as if attuned to its pulse. These lights follow the water’s movement, gracefully blending with its rhythm, creating a fluid connection between light and ripple.

Installation Design: GRIYER

Visual Artist: Bengü Özmutlu

Creative Team: Eslem Serra Özen, İrem Mert, Akif Sarı

Triangle behind a mountain range made with structural grid like texture

Beneath the calm hole, a sensory depth emerges. Silent vibrations rise from the water, resonating within, as each sound adds new meaning. THE VORTEX layers sound into the visual experience, with every vibration reflecting the water’s silent rhythm. Each ripple, whether a quiet whisper or an echo, makes the invisible heard.

In THE VORTEX, water is transformed from a simple element into a moment, merging with Ripple in every movement. Sound, light, and water intertwine, creating an immersive, infinite journey that touches the soul and reveals the essence of existence.


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